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The Art of Canine Communication

A dog will communicate so subtly that we can easily miss things or misinterpret what is being communicated.


At Harmonious Dogs, we have all learned from the dogs, by observing them over the years, no qualification can be given from learning from the dogs themselves.


Have you ever wondered how your dog speaks to other dogs?

It is a complex world of canine communication. The best way to learn is to sit back relax and watch the conversation unfold.


There are many forms of communication, verbal, body language, facial expressions, tail position, and urinating. 



This can be heard in grumbles, growls, barks (tones), whines, whimpers, howls, and chattering.


Body language:

This is how the dog moves (freely, relaxed, tense, wiggly), stance moving forward, curving to the side, crouching, play bow (does not necessarily mean inviting play), pace of movement, sitting and lying down.


Piloerection (hackles):

Hackles do not mean a dog is aggressive, Hackles are a good thing, as they show how a dog is feeling, but not necessarily liking how they feel at that moment in time. 


Facial expressions:

These can be so subtle to see and involves ear position, eyes, eyebrows, mouth, and lips. These will all indicate positive or negative emotions. 


Tail Position:

A dog will use their tail to communicate different emotions, happiness, fear, arousal, aggression, 



At Harmonious Dogs we loving call these 'Pee Mails'. They convey lots of information dog to dog. Such as hormones, intent, and character. 


Panting/breathing rate:

Does not necessarily mean your dog is hot, it has to be read in conjunction with all the above.


Workshops are available throughout the year and are aimed at dog professional, such as dog walkers, trainers, kennel staff, behaviourist wanting to add to their CPD and dog guardians wanting to learn more.


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